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Pearls of Birth Wisdom Online course
Hello! (2:38)
Antenatal Education - Why do the practices work?
Going inside your brain - What the practices are for (37:19)
Your amazing body: working with your baby and pelvis (27:20)
Creating a feeling of safety and relaxation (27:02)
Labour and birthing positions (9:28)
4 massage techniques and rebozo for baby's position (6:48)
Understanding what's happening = Informed choice (24:13)
Birth Plan FAQs (17:22)
Overview of labour and troubleshooting scenarios (20:41)
NEW Tools for labour - how to build up your techniques over labour (21:06)
Your resources
Relaxation tracks (6:26)
Mindfulness practices
Breathing techniques
Visualisation videos
Movement videos
Introduction to moving
Gentle yoga sequence (15 mins) (15:35)
More challenging yoga sequence (20 mins) (19:22)
Flow yoga sequence with two key breath techniques (24 mins) (23:22)
Yoga sequence suitable for those with pelvic pain (12 mins) (12:33)
Dance video - Moving your hips (16 mins) (31:46)
Full length yoga classes with integrated relaxation & birth know how (75 mins) (216:52)
Postnatal resources - Watch while pregnant
Postnatal tips - 4 things I didn't know before having a baby (6:20)
Discount for online Mother & Baby Yoga
BONUS: Baby wearing tips (14:37)
Postnatal Yoga Nidra (relaxation)
Handouts - All in one place for easy access
BONUS - Acupressure points for labour (35:53)
BONUS - Yoga Nidra for twins
BONUS - Yoga Nidra for breech babies
SPECIAL: Covid-19 resources
What if my birth partner is not with me?
Labour and birthing positions
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